About Bible-Time Ministries

This is the itinerant arm of the McGarvey’s ministry. It would include their various themed Vacation Bible Schools, Bible/Teaching Seminars, Bible Conference speaking, Evangelistic Crusades, Revival Meetings, and general pulpit fill. Many of these meetings are scheduled over a period of several days and are two-fold in purpose.

First, is the presentation of the saving Gospel of the Grace of God. 1 Timothy 2:4 states that it is God’s will is that all men be saved and therefore Bible-Time Ministries seeks to share a clear presentation of the Gospel.

Second, the passage continues by stating that it is God’s will that all men come into a perfect understanding of the truth. This truth would be that special revelation given to the Apostle Paul (Gal. 1:11-12; Eph. 3:1-9; Col. 1:23-29) that is referred to as “the mystery”.

Therefore, Bible-Time Ministries seeks to teach the Word of God Rightly Divided, or according to the revelation of the mystery. In addition the McGarveys present Gospel music concerts.

Contact us today to schedule a Bible-Time Ministry activity in your church. VBS dates fill up fast so it is suggested that contact be made in December or January.

Call: (616) 785-3618

Or use the following form:

Scheduling Request

11 + 9 =

2024-2025 ITINERARY

Bethesda Church – North Branch                                                                   North Branch, MN                                                                                          November-April