Beseeching the Saints

By Marvin Duncan First Corinthians 4:16   Until recently, I never noticed how often the Apostle Paul beseeches the Saints to do something. When I began to put these Scriptures together, I found an interesting pattern of Scriptures that call the Christian to walk...

Believing and Receiving in Vain

By Marvin Duncan First Corinthians 5:2 & Second Corinthians 6:1 There are two passages in Paul’s letters to the Corinthians that speak of activities that are  IN VAIN. Paul admonishes these Saints not to be involved in either one. In as much as the...

Approving Things That Are Excellent

By Marvin Duncan Philippians 1:10  One of the most profitable subjects for Bible study is the prayers of the Apostle Paul. In his prayers, Paul opens his heart and we see the innermost desires he had for the saints with whom he was dealing. Not only are Paul’s...

The Savior’s Name…Jesus

(Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31; 3:21)   The Son of God is identified in Scripture by many names. The greatest and most precious name by which the Son of God is known to believers is Jesus (Phil. 2:9-11). The context reveals that the name “Jesus” acquired supreme...

What Is Love?

A POEMIn eternity past God had a planTo send His son in the form of man;Born of a virgin, God’s only Son,The God-man Saviour He had become. A substitute for sinners He did go,To Calvary’s Cross: He loved us so,In death, the sinners place He took;Now from His throne He...

What the Amazing Grace of God Planned

Ephesians 1:1-14  The Book of Ephesians is one of three great doctrinal Epistles written by the Apostle Paul. In Romans believers are taught that we are justified in Christ, seeing we have been crucified, buried and resurrected with Christ.  In Ephesians believers are...