“And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.” (Rev. 22:8)
There are two major features that immediately capture the attention of the Apostle John, who was an eyewitness of the “Throne” and the “One” Who sat on it (Rev. 4 & 5).
“…behold a Throne” (Rev. 4:2).
- It is the Throne of God and the Lamb (Rev. 5:6; 7:10,17; 22:1,3).
- It is the Throne of Grace (Heb. 4:16).
- It is the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11). The pure, bright blinding, white light of God’s holiness (represented by the “seven lamps of fire burning…which are the seven spirits of God” – Rev. 4:5) illuminates the Throne Room. There is no need for illumination, apart from the presence of God Himself, for “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 Jn. 1:5). He dwells “in the light which no man can approach unto” (1 Tim. 6:16). See also the Shekinah Glory (Mt. 16:27-17:9 and Lk. 9:27-36).
- A “sea of glass like unto crystal…in the midst and round about” (Rev. 4:6) the Throne of God, reflect the glories of God’s holiness.
- God’s omniscient, omnipotent presence and majesty are evidenced by the “lightning and thunderings and voices” that proceeded out of God’s Throne Room (Rev. 4:5). This is similar to the way God announced His presence on Mount Sinai (Ex. 19:16).
- The Throne is enshrouded with the rainbow of peace (Rev. 4:3).
- Countless millions of angels encircle the outer perimeter of the Throne Room (Rev. 5:11).
- Twenty-four “golden-crowned” (stephanos/Gk./victor’s crown) angels, “Elders” are seated on thrones closer to, and round about the Throne of God (Rev. 4:4). These Crown Princes of Heaven prostrate themselves before the Throne of God in worship as they place their crowns at the Creator’s feet (Rev. 4:10-11).
- The Cherubim/“four beasts” are guardians of the Throne and are closest to it. Note: this race of angel is identified as having three of their four faces like an animal. Hence, they are called “Zoa,” which when transliterated, is similar to our English word for Zoo or Zoology (Ezek. 1:8; 10:20; Rev. 4:6 ).
- Worship of the thrice Holy God is the chief occupation of those who occupy the Throne Room (Rev. 4:8-11; 5:11-14; 7:9-17). We are told that “they rest not day or night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come” (Rev. 4:8).
“…I saw Heaven opened” (Rev. 19:11-16);
“…I fell at His feet as dead” (Rev. 1:13-18).
Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! – He is the faithful, true, and righteous Judge Who will come to “make war” at the Second Coming (not the Rapture) (Rev. 4 & 5; 19:2, 11-21)!
HE HAS “…a name that no man knew” (Rev. 19:12). “…His name is called the Word of God” (Rev. 19:13).
HE HAS transparent beauty “like a jasper and a sardine stone” (Rev. 4:3).
HE IS “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” He has “many crowns” (Rev. 19:12)! He IS King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords. He has no equal. He is “the blessed and only potentate” (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16).
Note: He is King of Kings—nothing will ever diminish that! He is the believer’s king and we are subject to His sovereign rule. However, our relationship to Him in this Dispensation of Grace, and throughout all eternity, is more intimate than that of a citizen willingly subjected to His kingly rule. We shall rule and reign with Him throughout eternity being enthroned with Him in the New Heaven. Even now, we are positionally seated with Him (Eph. 2:6). This is because we are joined together in a single unit called the “One New Man,” of which He is the “Head” and we are the “Body.” (See 1 Cor. 12:27; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15; Eph. 2:15; 4:12, 24; Col. 1:18; 3:18.)
This relationship is described in Ephesians 5:21-33, as similar to a marriage that unites a man and woman together as “one flesh.” Being thus joined to Christ, Grace-Age believers are “joint heirs” and joint partakers which gives us the distinctive identity of actually being “the Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12-13; 2 Cor. 5:16-17). He is incomplete without us and we are incomplete without Him. We shall “rule and reign with Him” (2 Tim. 2:12).
HE IS surrounded by a “great multitude in Heaven” (Rev. 19:1).
HE IS surrounded by great worship saying “Amen! Alleluia! Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great! Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory” (Rev. 19:4-7).
HE IS surrounded by the great “armies of Heaven,” who “followed Him on white horses” (Rev. 19:14). The Lamb of God that took away the sins of the world has become the righteous Judge and Ruler of the world.
HE IS the captain of the Lord’s hosts (Rev. 1:10-17; cf., 19:11-16) Who possesses all power and authority to execute righteous judgment by the “sword of His mouth.” A description of Him confirms this:
- His voice, “as a trumpet,” signals the beginning of the judgment as it breaks upon the shores of unrighteousness with “the sound of many waters”;
- His garments are reserved for those of highest rank;
- His robe is that of a High Priest and His hair is “white as snow”;
- He appears as the “Ancient of Days” Who possesses the highest wisdom and absolute, purifying righteousness;
- His eyes “as a flame of fire,” and his feet of “fine brass as if burned in a furnace,” speaks of complete, purifying judgment;
- His omnipotent strength, “as the sun,” is seen in His countenance.
HE IS the ever-compassionate, loving God—so acquainted with grief, and having suffered the pain of rejection and death, is moved to “wipe away all tears from their eyes” (Rev. 21:4).
HE IS worthy to receive “glory, honor and power” because He is the Creator (Rev. 4:11); He is the Redeemer (Rev. 5:12); He is Judge (Rev. 5:2, 9; 19:1-2).
HE IS the eternal Son of Man (Rev. 5:14). The emphasis is upon His human nature: “I am the resurrection and the life” (Jn. 11:25); “…I am alive for evermore” (Rev.1:18). Here we see incarnate deity—the Last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45), triumphantly sitting on the Throne of God in Heaven as a risen and glorified member of the human race. Here He exercises “all power” (Mt. 28:18) as He judges men and angels in making His enemies His “footstool” (Ps. 110:1; Acts 2:35; Heb. 10:13).
HE IS the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, and the Root of David (Rev. 5:5-6).
HE IS the God of creation: “Behold I make all things new” (Rev. 21:5).
Yes, the Apostle John was an eyewitness to the very Throne Room of God. By way of a special vision, the clouds of the sky were rolled back, and for a very brief moment, his eyes fell upon what only a very few in the flesh have ever seen! Oh, what a precious and awesome sight! He said, “When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead” (Rev. 1:17).
The Apostle Paul, too, had a glimpse of Heaven’s Throne Room and of the glorified Christ. His description beggars all description. On the Damascus Road he was blinded by the glory of Christ Whose brightness was above the “brightness of the sun.” Later in the vision of 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, he said that what he saw was “unutterable.”
Oh, dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
When my life work is ended and I cross the swelling tide,
When the bright and glorious morning I shall see;
I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side,
And His smile will be the first to welcome me.
Through the gates to the city in a robe of spotless white,
He will lead me where no tears shall ever fall;
In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight;
But I long to meet my Savior first of all.
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4:11).