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Beseeching the Saints

By Marvin Duncan First Corinthians 4:16   Until recently, I never noticed how often the Apostle Paul beseeches the Saints to do something. When...

Believing and Receiving in Vain

By Marvin Duncan First Corinthians 5:2 & Second Corinthians 6:1 There are two passages in Paul's letters to the Corinthians that speak of...

Approving Things That Are Excellent

By Marvin Duncan Philippians 1:10  One of the most profitable subjects for Bible study is the prayers of the Apostle Paul. In his prayers, Paul...

The Savior’s Name…Jesus

(Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31; 3:21)   The Son of God is identified in Scripture by many names. The greatest and most precious name by which the Son...

What Is Love?

A POEMIn eternity past God had a planTo send His son in the form of man;Born of a virgin, God’s only Son,The God-man Saviour He had become. A...